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วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

How To Know If You Are Stressed - Reading The Signs

Today's world surely produces more stressed out people than in decades past. The growing demands of family, career, and finances converge to render us overwhelmed by stress. How to know if you are stressed varies depending on the person involved. What may produce stress for one person may be just considered typical everyday activities for another.

Listening to your body closely is the best way how to know if you are stressed. Stress produces a variety of physical and emotional manifestations that are hard to miss if you are vigilant.

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One way how to know if you are stressed is to examine how you are sleeping. If you have trouble falling asleep, are restless once asleep, awaken often in the middle of the night, and/or have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, stress may very well be the culprit. It's hard to shut off our days simply because the lights have gone out.

Another way how to know if you are stressed is if you are experiencing the variety of physical symptoms that are identified as stress related. High blood pressure, stomach problems, chest pains, increased heart rate, headaches, lowered sex drive, and a myriad of other physical signs can be stress related. If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms it's advisable to see a medical professional; your body is trying to tell you something.

Additionally, emotional manifestations are another way how to know if you are stressed. Having bouts of depression, the inability to concentrate, anxiety attacks, and a loss in interest in normally enjoyable activities could all be associated with stress. In short, anything that varies from your normal behavior or temperament should be monitored closely.

How to know if you are stressed can be difficult sometimes; simply because the very thing that we're looking for has the ability to render us foggy and indecisive. Stress can be extraordinarily dangerous. When high levels of stress are consistently present in our lives - long term rather than just a stressful event that soon passes - are bodies tend to succumb to the pressure. As a result, we suffer physically, emotionally, and even socially.

However, there are many steps you can take to battle stress appropriately. Increasing daily physical exercise has an enormous effect on stress - bringing stress levels down and relieving the body of tension. It may be trite but relaxation is the best way to lower stress. No matter what is going on in your life, it is imperative to take time for yourself. If you don't give your body and mind some intermittent downtime you are going to burn out; no one person can operate on high levels of stress indefinitely. How to know if you are stressed? Listen up. Because your body is telling you everything you need to know.

How To Know If You Are Stressed - Reading The Signs




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