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วันพุธที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Lighting Scheme Tips for the Use of Each Room in Your House

Before deciding upon the lighting needed for each room, take a step back and look at how the room will be used. Is it a working room that needs a high level of light or it is a room to relax in that needs a low level of light? Your chosen scheme for each room needs to provide the adequate level of lighting based on the room's intended use.

A room that will be used heavily for work such as a kitchen, playroom, game room, utility room, study or even a home office needs a high level of lighting. Wall lamps, overhead lighting, strategically placed table lamps and focal pointing pendant lighting will provide the practical lighting needed for these rooms.

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Rooms that are used for different purposes such a living room, bedroom and even bathrooms now a day need functional lighting that can easily change the ambience of the room. Overhead and ceiling recessed lights with dimmers can draw attention to focal points and provide that practical lighting while table lamps can provide that cozy and relaxing atmosphere.

Rooms that need to feel welcoming and inviting need intermediate lighting such as in your dining room or in hallways. Pendant lights, wall lamps, picture lamps and table lamps will all provide this intermediate ambience needed.

Remember, choosing lighting products should be based on the intended use of each room and should be as important part of your home decor as how you choose to decorate your home. Sports lamp and lighting products and accessories are a great choice of lighting decor that will add practical lighting with a unique sense of class and style to your home decor.

Lighting Scheme Tips for the Use of Each Room in Your House




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